
Submit a fishing report

Submitting your fishing report is easy. Your contribution will be helpful to other Sierra anglers. Focus on one body of water per submission. Remember that when writing your fishing report that you are telling a story. Every trip into the Sierra's is an adventure so describe your adventure well. Tell your story.

Please rate each topic on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Rate hiking in terms of difficulty.

Photographs are an essential part of good fishing reports. Photos of fish are great but not necessary. Photos of the location are necessary. We prefer to have 4 photos at minimum, and up to 15 photos maximum. If you have many photos and you are unsure which photos to use, send them all to us and we will pick out the best ones. Videos are welcome too as they improve the experience of the site user. After we receive your fishing report, we will contact you to get your photographs and/or videos. Thank You!!

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Napa, CA USA

Submit A Report